Class StandardIndexedTree

Indexed merkle tree.


  • TreeBase
    • StandardIndexedTree




cachedLeaves: {
    [key: number]: LeafData;
} = {}

Type declaration

cachedSize?: bigint
db: Level<string, Buffer>
hasher: Hasher
leaves: LeafData[] = []
maxIndex: bigint
size: bigint = ...


  • Adds a leaf and all the hashes above it to the cache.


    • leaf: Field

      Leaf to add to cache.

    • index: bigint

      Index of the leaf (used to derive the cache key).

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Each base rollup needs to provide non membership / inclusion proofs for each of the nullifier. This method will return membership proofs and perform partial node updates that will allow the circuit to incrementally update the tree and perform a batch insertion.

    This offers massive circuit performance savings over doing incremental insertions.

    A description of the algorithm can be found here:

    WARNING: This function has side effects, it will insert values into the tree.


    1. There are 8 nullifiers provided and they are either unique or empty. (denoted as 0)
    2. If kc 0 has 1 nullifier, and kc 1 has 3 nullifiers the layout will assume to be the sparse nullifier layout: [kc0-0, 0, 0, 0, kc1-0, kc1-1, kc1-2, 0]

    Algorithm overview

    In general, if we want to batch insert items, we first to update their low nullifier to point to them, then batch insert all of the values as at once in the final step. To update a low nullifier, we provide an insertion proof that the low nullifier currently exists to the circuit, then update the low nullifier. Updating this low nullifier will in turn change the root of the tree. Therefore future low nullifier insertion proofs must be given against this new root. As a result, each low nullifier membership proof will be provided against an intermediate tree state, each with differing roots.

    This become tricky when two items that are being batch inserted need to update the same low nullifier, or need to use a value that is part of the same batch insertion as their low nullifier. In this case a zero low nullifier path is given to the circuit, and it must determine from the set of batch inserted values if the insertion is valid.

    The following example will illustrate attempting to insert 2,3,20,19 into a tree already containing 0,5,10,15

    The example will explore two cases. In each case the values low nullifier will exist within the batch insertion, One where the low nullifier comes before the item in the set (2,3), and one where it comes after (20,19).

    The original tree: Pending insertion subtree

    index 0 2 3 4 - - - -

    val 0 5 10 15 - - - - nextIdx 1 2 3 0 - - - - nextVal 5 10 15 0 - - - -

    Inserting 2: (happy path)

    1. Find the low nullifier (0) - provide inclusion proof
    2. Update its pointers
    3. Insert 2 into the pending subtree

    index 0 2 3 4 5 - - -

    val 0 5 10 15 2 - - - nextIdx 5 2 3 0 2 - - - nextVal 2 10 15 0 5 - - -

    Inserting 3: The low nullifier exists within the insertion current subtree

    1. When looking for the low nullifier for 3, we will receive 0 again as we have not inserted 2 into the main tree This is problematic, as we cannot use either 0 or 2 as our inclusion proof. Why cant we?
      • Index 0 has a val 0 and nextVal of 2. This is NOT enough to prove non inclusion of 2.
      • Our existing tree is in a state where we cannot prove non inclusion of 3. We do not provide a non inclusion proof to out circuit, but prompt it to look within the insertion subtree.
    2. Update pending insertion subtree
    3. Insert 3 into pending subtree

    (no inclusion proof provided) index 0 2 3 4 5 6 - -

    val 0 5 10 15 2 3 - - nextIdx 5 2 3 0 6 2 - - nextVal 2 10 15 0 3 5 - -

    Inserting 20: (happy path)

    1. Find the low nullifier (15) - provide inculsion proof
    2. Update its pointers
    3. Insert 20 into the pending subtree

    index 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 -

    val 0 5 10 15 2 3 20 - nextIdx 5 2 3 7 6 2 0 - nextVal 2 10 15 20 3 5 0 -

    Inserting 19:

    1. In this case we can find a low nullifier, but we are updating a low nullifier that has already been updated We can provide an inclusion proof of this intermediate tree state.
    2. Update its pointers
    3. Insert 19 into the pending subtree

    index 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    val 0 5 10 15 2 3 20 19 nextIdx 5 2 3 8 6 2 0 7 nextVal 2 10 15 19 3 5 0 20

    Perform subtree insertion

    index 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    val 0 5 10 15 2 3 20 19 nextIdx 5 2 3 8 6 2 0 7 nextVal 2 10 15 19 3 5 0 20

    TODO: this implementation will change once the zero value is changed from h(0,0,0). Changes incoming over the next sprint


    • leaves: Field[]

      Values to insert into the tree.

    • treeHeight: number

      Height of the tree.

    • subtreeHeight: number

      Height of the subtree.

    Returns Promise<[LowLeafWitnessData[], BaseSiblingPath] | [undefined, BaseSiblingPath]>

    The data for the leaves to be updated when inserting the new ones.

  • Finds the index of the largest leaf whose value is less than or equal to the provided value.


    • newValue: bigint

      The new value to be inserted into the tree.

    • includeUncommitted: boolean

      If true, the uncommitted changes are included in the search.

    Returns {
        alreadyPresent: boolean;
        index: number;

    The found leaf index and a flag indicating if the corresponding leaf's value is equal to newValue.

    • alreadyPresent: boolean

      A flag indicating if the corresponding leaf's value is equal to newValue.

    • index: number

      The index of the found leaf.

  • !! MUST call 'findIndexOfPreviousValue(*)' to find the 'index' FIRST, and later call this method. By coldStar1993#6265 !! Gets the latest LeafData copy.


    • index: number

      Index of the leaf of which to obtain the LeafData copy.

    • includeUncommitted: boolean

      If true, the uncommitted changes are included in the search.

    Returns undefined | LeafData

    A copy of the leaf data at the given index or undefined if the leaf was not found.

  • !! MUST call 'findIndexOfPreviousValue(*)' to find the 'index' FIRST, and later call this method. By coldStar1993#6265 !! Gets the value of the leaf at the given index.


    • index: bigint

      Index of the leaf of which to obtain the value.

    • includeUncommitted: boolean

      Indicates whether to include uncommitted leaves in the computation.

    Returns Promise<undefined | Field>

    The value of the leaf at the given index or undefined if the leaf is empty.

  • Returns the number of leaves in the tree.


    • includeUncommitted: boolean

      If true, the returned number of leaves includes uncomitted changes.

    Returns bigint

    The number of leaves in the tree.

  • obtain the current pure leaf value on underlying (Standard) merkle tree. it maybe the default value: Field('0') if 'index' beyond 'getNumLeaves(includeUncommitted)', or else the hash of coorresponding leafData.


    • index: bigint
    • includeUncommitted: boolean

    Returns Promise<undefined | Field>

  • Returns the root of the tree.


    • includeUncommitted: boolean

      If true, root incorporating uncomitted changes is returned.

    Returns Field

    The root of the tree.

  • Returns a sibling path for the element at the given index.


    • index: bigint

      The index of the element.

    • includeUncommitted: boolean

      Indicates whether to get a sibling path incorporating uncommitted changes.

    Returns Promise<BaseSiblingPath>

    A sibling path for the element at the given index. Note: The sibling path is an array of sibling hashes, with the lowest hash (leaf hash) first, and the highest hash last.

  • Writes meta data to the provided batch.


    • Optional batch: ChainedBatch<Level<string, Buffer>, string, Buffer>

      The batch to which to write the meta data.

    Returns Promise<void>